Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lab 6, Week 7

3-D Image of locationA Slope Map of my location:

An Aspect map of my location:

A Shaded Relief model of the location:

My location is located in Northern United States in Wyoming. It's geographic coordinates are 45.22 N and -115.28 W. The decimal degrees of the location of interest is .00028 degrees. (The projection was in WGS 84; NED in 1 arc second) By looking at the above maps, it is easy to see that this location is very rocky. This is especially seen on the aspect and hillshade maps. However, there is also the flatter, less mountainness area towarsd the top of the location, which is clearly seen in the slope map because that area is generally green there. Additionally, there is also an area of little confusion, which is most likely a small lake. This can be seen in the small gray area at the bottom right corner that can be clearly identified on the shaded relief model.

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