Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lab 1

Map #1


This is a map of the united states that we looked at in lecture. The orange dots show McDonald's hot spots. throughout the US. The brighter and bigger the dot indicates an increase in the amount of McDonald's in the area. I found it very interesting how you can really see how much more prevalent this fast food chain is in states like New York, Florida, and California, and how the mid-west states have a great decrease in the amount of McDonald restaurants in their area. This particular map came from a website called but can be found on many other websites as well.

Map #2

This is a map of the San Fernando Valley, which is located South of UCLA. I found this map on a random LA sports website called The reason this map was up is because the there was a story of how many baseball players from the Milwaukee Brewers come from the Valley. The reason I choose this map is because I grew up in the San Fernando Valley and it is nice to see it all laid out spatially in the map.

Map #3

I choose to post this map of the Middle East because of the question on the Sense of Direction Survey. The question asked which country does not border Pakistan. I wanted to check my answer so I looked up the map. I am very familiar with Israel and the countries that border it, but past Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt, my geographic knowledge of the Middle East isn't that great. I think it is interesting that my mom was taught world geography growing up, but all American students focus on (at least in my education) is learning the geography of the United States. I found this map on, which is a gloablization research website with articles and the like.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting choice of maps. Remember that the McDs map shows distance to Mickey Ds in a color gradient--bright yellow means close and darker orange, red and then black is farther away. Also your bottom two maps seem to be cut off. Remember to view your post and make sure that everything displays the way you want it to.

